News & Events

Professor Menlibekova G.Zh. and associate professor Omarbekova A.I participated in the international seminar on the professional development of IAAR experts

March 12, 2018, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Menliebekova Gulbakhyt Zholdasbekovna and candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge" Omarbekova A.I participated in the international seminar on the professional development of experts, organized by the NU "Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating".
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Teaching practice is an important condition for the formation of professional training of students. Appointment of students' practice is to prepare for the main types of professional activities, the realization of acquired professional knowledge, skills and professional adaptation, i.e. entering the profession, developing a social role, professional self-determination, forming positions, integrating personal and professional qualities.Teaching practice is a complex process in which students do types of teaching activities defined by their specialization.
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Winners of the "Grand Prix" competition «Аяулы ана. Ару қыз»

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Pedagogy and Self - Detection" at the Faculty of "Social Sciences" of the Euroasian National University. LN Gumileva Botabayeva Ademi Erkebaevna with her daughter Gulimova Zhannur Erkinovna, pilot 1 "Zh" class school № 48 c. Astana was nominated for the contest "Sweet mother. Aru girls "and won the Grand Prix at their competitions and viste.
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III International scientific-theoretical conference

III International scientific-theoretical conference "The urgent problems of the world philosophy, the human being, its consciousness and human development" 2018 16-17 February The academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhabaykhan Mubarakuly, took part in the International Philosophical Conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Zhubaihan Mubarakuly abdidy The third international scientific-theoretical conference "The Human Dimension of Self-Assessment and Development of Humanity".
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