History of Department of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Social Sciences has been working since the foundation of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev.
In 1996, it was opened as a department of social disciplines, and then the departments of specialties political science, sociology and religious studies were selected from the department.
At present, the Department of Philosophy provides training in the educational, research and educational work of the studying specialties "Philosophy" and "Culturology".
In different periods, the Department of Philosophy was in charge of the Doctor of Philosophy as Doctor of Philosophy, Professor D.N. Nurmanbetova and Candidate of Philosophy K.B. Danysbekova and others.
Since September 2013, the chair is headed by the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Garifolla Esim. The staff consists of highly qualified specialists. The number of staff members is 36. The department includes 4 Doctors of Philosophy, professors, including academicians of the NAS of the RK - Zh.M. Abdildin and Garifolla Essim, academician of the NAS of RK, corresponding member D.N.Nurnabetova, K.A.Medeova, 12 candidates of science, associate professors, masters of philosophy and cultural studies. The degree of faculty is 58%.
The sphere of activity of the department is the improvement of qualification, educational-methodical and scientific-research work, international cooperation and educational work.
The faculty of the department is constantly engaged in further training. Basic forms of continuing education: courses, trainings, seminars, internships.
The professional development of the teachers of the department is directly connected with the purpose of teaching, the introduction of new modern educational technologies, scientific and theoretical and methodical monitoring, in the preparation of creative specialists of high qualification.
Therefore, the goal of continuous improvement of the quality of the educational process at the department is the introduction of new teaching technologies, the organization of monitoring the quality of methodological support, and the teaching and methodical work.
On the chair of "Philosophy" and "Culturology" specializing in modular educational programs, the development of educational and methodical complexes is carried out; the development of textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, studying current, intermediate, final control of knowledge of materials; educational and methodological support of independent work.
Since 2007-2008 academic year at the University named after LN Gumilev graduates and doctoral students in the specialties "Philosophy" and "Culturology" are preparing. For today in all state universities of the country and other spheres of work master's students work, as well as about 100 masters in the specialties "Philosophy" and "Culturology"
Teachers of the department conduct classes for all magistracy specialties at the rate of the obligatory component "Philosophy of the History of Science", and for bachelors in the general module of education "Philosophy".
At present, on the initiative of the head of the department, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Karifolla Yesim, lectures on the disciplines of undergraduates are taught: "Philosophy of Innovative Thinking", "Zhasy Kazaza Philosophy", as well as for bachelors lectures included in the elective courses "Philosophy of Tradition" "Philosophy of Succession", "Business Philosophy", "Philosophy of Wealth", "Kazakh Philosophy".