World day of dissemination of information on autism problem

On April, 2 on the World day of dissemination of information on autism problem within the Decade of science at "Social Pedagogics and Self-knowledge" department at L.N. Gumilev ENU the Meeting of undergraduates, doctoral candidates, students and teachers of the Department with scientists of Nazarbayev University has taken place: assistant-professor to Sociology of the School of Humanitarian and Social sciences Sofia An, assistant-professor of the Medical Genetics of School of Medicine Chi Kai Chang.

       This meeting has been devoted to the problems of informing experts and parents of children with autism on features of perception of information, features of training of children with autism. During the meeting the representatives of Nazarbayev University have disseminated with results of the conducted scientific research on a subject: "Development of system of support and services for children with the frustration of an autistic range (FAR) in Kazakhstan: View of parents on medical, educational and social services".

         The assistant-professor of Sociology, PhD Sofia An has opened the main approaches to rehabilitation, correction and training of children with the frustration of an autistic range (FAR). 

           Chi Kai Chang, the doctor of medicine, devoted his researches to the problem of connection identification between food, genetics and predisposition to autism. The scientist has pointed to important aspects of diagnosis of autism, to differences of autism from other conditions and violations of development and also has offered the main scientifically based approaches to the system of support of children with frustration of an autistic range.

         The undergraduates and doctoral candidates of L.N. Gumilev ENU studying on "Pedagogics and psychology" and "Social pedagogics and self-knowledge" have taken active part in discussion of a problem of system development of services for children with RAS in Kazakhstan.