The 2nd International Congress of World Scientists among Turkic-speaking countries took place in Turkey: the transition to the Latin alphabet is a timely decision

The 2nd International Congress of World Scientists among Turkic-speaking countries united 760 professors and scientists from 13 countries. The Republic of Kazakhstan at this event was represented by the Head of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Otar Elmira Sәkenkyzy. During the Congress, current issues in the field of socio-economic, political, cultural and educational processes of the Turkic-speaking countries were discussed at 91 sessions.

Turkish scientists noted that the transition to the Latin alphabet is a timely decision for Kazakhstan, because it will open the access for the Kazakh language to the world level. “A new form of the Kazakh alphabet in the Latin script, approved by the President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, is a correct and timely decision and corresponds to the present time,” - this opinion was announced at the 2nd International Congress by scientists in Turkey (Antalya).

In turn, Dr. PhD Otar E.S. presented a report on the characteristics of emerging consumer behavior in Kazakhstan and the problems of the urban middle class with a presentation and a report in English and Kazakh languages. The speaker noted that economic transformations contribute to the emergence of a new consumer society in post-socialist Kazakhstan, the economic basis of which is built on mass markets in production and consumption. The middle class traditionally uses more services than other classes. There are two reasons for this: on the one hand, the middle class can already afford and feels the need for a high quality of life, and on the other, the consumption of services is a kind of investment in  themselves, in their human capital. Therefore, for the middle class, the availability and quality of the paid services is crucial. Having examined the consumer behavior of the Kazakh middle class in this study, the author came to the conclusion that they do not only consume goods or services, but also reproduce such consumption as a means of legitimizing a proper lifestyle, which is peculiar only to the middle class.

The report of Otar Elmira was highly appreciated by world-renowned scientists. As a result, the Kazakhstani scientist was awarded a special certificate "Korkyt Ata" for her contribution to the scientific heritage of the Turkic world.