Religion and youth

On January 25, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Nuradinov Almat Sabitovich made a presentation “Religion and Youth” in front of students of the school of curators of the university.

Introducing the speaker, the leading schools of curators, Associate Professor Aitysheva AM. She noted that taking into account the numerous suggestions of supervisors who have difficulties with this problem in working with students, students can get answers to many questions.

The report outlined the problems of radicalization, religious extremism, the legislative foundations of religious behavior, as well as educational activities with the offer of assistance from specialists.

The curators were able to obtain the necessary and useful information about who may be influenced by students, as well as some tips on the organization of educational work.

Practice shows that young people and adolescents who:

1) brought up in families where religious beliefs are strong;

2) students who have received initial knowledge of religion at school age at the place of residence;

3) brought up in dysfunctional families or lost parents in childhood;

4) experienced the negative influence of different groups;

5) had cases of being brought to the police or brought to administrative responsibility;

6) showing a tendency to misconduct;

7) enjoying false authority among comrades;

8) easily influenced by other people;

9) having a weak moral and psychological training.


Considering all the above, there is a need to include the following measures in the plan of educational work:

• Plan educational work on the prevention of the penetration of ideologies of destructive religious trends among students into the university environment;

• Know all students who may have problems (loss of loved ones, difficult financial and financial situation, etc.);

• Constantly study the needs and mood of students with non-traditional religious beliefs;

• To possess the technique of individual conversation (belief, persuasion) with deeply religious believers who are mistaken in interpreting religious publications (Quran, Bible, Torah), or conflicting with traditional religious confessions (as a rule, someone has a strong influence);

• To carry out measures to foster tolerance, inter-confessional and inter-ethnic harmony among students.