The Department of Psychology trains psychologists in accordance with modern requirements. The involvement of students and employers in the development of educational programs together with the faculty of the department, taking into account changes in the labor market and the economic development of the country, undoubtedly improves the quality of the program. The educational program regulates and implements the technologies and conditions, content and tasks of the professional psychological training of future psychologists. Every year, special elective disciplines are updated, which are necessary for graduate psychologists for free functioning in all spheres of human life and activity.

The faculty of the department under the guidance of the head of the department Mambetalina A.S. actively considers all possibilities of using modern methods of quality education. The teachers of the department are engaged not only in education, but also in the implementation of research projects at the national and international levels, the organization of psychological work by teachers and students at the university, psychological assistance to schoolchildren during the UNT, and also actively participate in various social and educational events.

In the interests of students, a psychological laboratory and a psychological office work at the department, where students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, as well as develop their professional and practical skills. Every year the psychological laboratory is replenished with new methods and techniques. Studying in such an educational environment, our students win prizes at national and international olympiads and competitions. All the news of our department are reflected on our special channels in social networks.

Every year our department occupies a leading position among educational programs according to the rating of NCE RK Atameken. This year we can also be proud that we take the 3rd place.

The faculty of the department is waiting for its future students, who will be able to see with their own eyes all the possibilities of a full-fledged development of the specialty psychology and get an education!