Post-doctoral student A.S. Omirbay as part of the implementation of a scientific project in the Uzbekistan

As part of the scientific project «The Heritage of Bekasyl Aulie and the Problem of the Renaissance of Traditional Islam in the New Kazakhstan» post-doctoral student of the Department of Philosophy Omirbai Abzal Syatayuly visited Uzbekistan from October 9 to 13 of this year.  During the visit, it is planned to strengthen and expand scientific relations with representatives of the scientific and academic environment, members of the expert community within the framework of the research topic.  Methods and features of achieving results, methods of conducting field research are discussed.

 During the scientific trip, issues of the research topic were discussed with the teaching staff of the department «Fundamentals of Philosophy and Spirituality» and the head of the department Nigina Arslanovna Shermukhammedova as well as the head of the «Ethics and Aesthetics» department Mukhamedzhanova Lolikhon Ashuralievna Tash State University named after M. Ulukbek.

 In addition, according to the formulated plan during the discussion, field research was carried out in sacred places and ancient madrassas like the «Mir Arab» in the cities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara.