Open lecture by master's student Murkhambet S.A. in the course «Philosophy of Technology»

October 06, 2023 was held an open lecture on the topic «Features of technical knowledge and cognition», conducted by a master student of the 2nd year of specialty «7M02201 – Philosophy» Murkhambet Sagynysh Amirbekuly within the framework of teaching practice. Supervisor: Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Aubakirov Erkin Nysanbekovich.

During the open lecture the relevance of the topic, the object of research were discussed, the main issues of the development of technical cognition and its distinctive characteristics from other types of cognition were revealed. In addition, the fundamental concepts of the philosophy of technology were presented, the key ideas of the concepts of P.K. Engelmeyer, E. Kapp, F. Dessauer and others were demonstrated. At the end of the lecture the students asked questions related to the topic of the open lecture and answered them. The lecturer characterized in detail the content of the famous works of the listed scientists and recommended scientific articles for a more detailed study of this issue.