Scientific seminar of doctoral student F.M. Mussatayeva

On 15-th December 2022 at 17.00, the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Department of Philosophy held a scientific seminar to discuss the thesis of doctoral student Mussatayeva Farida Magauievna in the specialty 6D020400 «Cultural Studies» on the topic «Management in Culture».

Academic supervisors: Kulshat Medeova – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, executor of professor duties of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov; Catherine Poujol – Professor at The National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO, France).

The scientific seminar was attended by scientists and tutorial staff, and doctoral students of the department. During the seminar, issues related to the relevance and novelty of the dissertation work, methods and approaches used in the study of the cultural landscape were discussed. At the end of the seminar, feedback was given on the questions and recommendations asked by the listeners, and reflection was carried out. Following the results of the scientific seminar, the thesis of the doctoral student was recommended for an extended meeting of the department for discussion.