Scientific internship of a doctoral student of the Department of Philosophy on the basis of the French Institute for Central Asian Studies

2nd-year doctoral student of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Social Sciences Meiram Kikimbayev from April 21 to June 3, 2022 completed a scientific internship at the IFEAC - French Institute for Central Asian Studies (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). The director of IFEAC is the foreign consultant of the doctoral student Adrian Fauve.



According to the internship plan , the doctoral student carried out the following works:

- Collection of materials in the IFEAC library;

- Visual studies of mosques in Bishkek;

- Weekly discussions and consultations with Professor Adrien Fova with researchers from France, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan;

- Analysis of websites of government agencies, religious institutions, mass media, as well as publications of researchers in order to collect information about mosques in Kyrgyzstan. A diagram of the growth of mosques in Kyrgyzstan over the years of independence has been compiled;

- Participation in the seminar «The fate of women-manaschi»;

- Participation in the presentation of the book «Civil Activism in Kyrgyzstan»;

- Report on mosques in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan at the seminar «Religion and Society. Islam Today»;

- Interview for «Radio Sanjira» on the topic «Islam and society. Mosques and madrasas in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan»;

- Presentation of comparative studies based on IFEAC on the topic «Mosque and public space on the example of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan».



According to the reviews of the doctoral student, the internship at the IFEAC was held at a high level, the goals of the scientific internship plan were achieved. In addition, academic ties have been established with undergraduates and doctoral students from France, Germany and Afghanistan who have various research topics on Central Asia.