International exchange on environmental and ergonomic education

          Non-governmental ecological fund named after V.I. Vernadsky in partnership with the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Institute of Ecology of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the University Gymnasium of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov organized the VII All-Russian conference on environmental education “Education-2030. Study. Try. Act".

            The key speakers of the forum were well-known scientists in the field of environmental education such as Director of International State Ecological Institute named after A.D.Sakharov" of the Belarusian State University Maskevich S.A., Professor, academician of RAO Zakhlebniy A.N., foreign consultant of our PhD students, Professor of RAO Dzyatkovskaya E.N., Professor of RUDN Ermakov D.S., etc.          

            Within the framework of the program entitled "Scientific foundations of the modernization of the education and science system" (section "Conducting a study of the accessibility and effectiveness of educational space in the country's schools and developing a model of an ergonomic educational space") Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge G.K. Dlimbetova made a report on behalf of L. N. Gumilyov ENU, where the topic "Ergonomic approach in environmental education" was presented to the audience. In his report, the speaker emphasized the importance of educational process management based on an ergonomic approach. Also at this conference, our PhD student of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge A. Sandibekova took an active part, who shared with the scientific idea of ​​the ergonomic component in pedagogical management. in addition, at this conference our university was represented by the speech of the PhD student of the Department Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge S. Taibuldinova. The speaker presented to the audience a report on the topic: "Formation of personality in the conditions of family - school space." The young researcher's report aroused great interest from the other speakers and listeners of the conference.

            The conference also addressed such issues as the tasks of the education system in the light of the UNESCO Roadmap "Education for Sustainable Development" until 2030, youth as a key driving force in solving the problems of sustainable development. The details of the conference can be found on the Youtube platform by the link: