Summer training practice for sociology students

Students of the first course, majoring in Sociology, participated in an educational practice from May 22nd to June 10th, 2023, in various organizations engaged in sociological research. The main goal of the practice was to introduce students to the duties of a sociologist and provide them with experience, knowledge, and skills in the organization of research work. This included the development of sociological research programs and the ability to conduct surveys and approach respondents. Students from the Soc-12 group contributed to organizations such as The Center for Applied Sociological Research "TALAP," The Kazakhstan Association of Urbanists Q88, The Institute of Economic Research, and The International Financial Center "Astana."During the educational practice, students participated in the implementation of various projects. For instance, they were involved in the Astana Finance Day forum as part of the program "The Application of Immersive Technologies in Training and Talent Development." They also conducted research on school education and the role of private schools, examined interregional inequality in Kazakhstan, and worked on the project "Analysis of the City's Problems."The educational practice proved to be valuable as students gained practical and theoretical experience, gained insight into their future profession, developed a better understanding of the sociological field, and improved their professional skills. Each student learned how to quickly and efficiently complete their work, approach respondents effectively, work in a team, and enhance their communicative and social skills.