Space landscape of Zhezkazgan

April 9, 2021, a 1st-year doctoral student of the specialty «Cultural Studies» of the Department of «Philosophy» of the FSS, Leila Bakytova, held a scientific seminar on the topic «Space landscape of Zhezkazgan» within the framework of the Decade of Science.  This study is part of the research project AR08856485 «Space in the cultural landscape of Kazakhstan: social and cultural dimension» in the direction of Scientific foundations «Mangilik el» (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities). 

The seminar discussed topics on the places of memory of the space of Zhezkazgan and the territory of the former Dzhezkazgan region. A tour of the main memory objects was conducted: 

Cosmonauts Boulevard

Monument "Aviation and Space"

Hall of the History of Cosmonautics of the Zhezkazgan Historical and Archaeological Museum

Measuring points 5,7 T, 7D.

Monument to «Three Heroes»

The seminar was attended by representatives of the teaching staff of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU and the Zhezkazgan Archaeological Museum / – Raushan Kaparova and Altynai Birmukhanova.