Psychology Department carried out psychodiagnostic testing of employees working in social-cultural sphere

Psychology Department from January, 13th till January, 21st 2023 carried out psychodiagnostic testing of employees working in social-cultural sphere in order of Nurkatova L.T., the vice-rector on social-cultural development, the order of a Member of Board on January, 11th, 2023. 

During the testing, the following indices were studied: individual and typological features of personality; peculiarities of overcoming of difficult life situations; situational and personal anxiety; personal aggressiveness and conflict ratio; communicative and organizing aptitudes.  

Psychodiagnostic testing was held with the help of "NS-Psychotest" equipment. 

Employees of the following departments participated: 

-      Directorate of Student Houses;

-      Jastar Department

-      Әdep Project Board

-      Department of Social Projects

-      Department of Student Initiatives

-      "Өner" ortalygı

-      Psychological Support Service

-      Deputy Deans for Work with Students