Gratitude Day

On 01.03.2021, at 13.30 hours, under the guidance of the mentor of the PSX-22 Group Baizhumanova B. sh.together with students of the 2nd year of psychology, an educational hour was organized in an online format on the topic: "March 1 – Gratitude Day". During the educational hour, the mentor noted the importance of this holiday, the fact that March 1 is the "day of gratitude" in the country since 2016, on January 14, 2016, the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev declared March 1 the "day of gratitude" in the country and signed the Decree No. 173. During the educational hour, students of the group Konopat Angelika and Takmakova Daria read poems describing the essence of gratitude, as well as shared their thoughts on who, Why, and why each student expresses gratitude. In addition, during the educational event, we watched a video showing how gratitude increases a person's sense of happiness.