International cooperation


International cooperation within the framework of higher education, which is implemented in accordance with the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020-2025 is one of the priority areas of integration of domestic education.

To date, the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilev (further - ENU) has established itself as a modern institution of higher education, which is confirmed by the university's becoming one of the best universities in the world (according to QS World University Rankings). And one of the criteria for entering the number of prospective universities is the development of international cooperation - the internationalization of education and academic mobility.

- In this regard, the main tasks in the field of development of international cooperation of the SPS Chair are:

- activation of external and internal mobility of students, undergraduates and doctoral students;

- provision of external and internal mobility of teachers;

- Implementation of the principles of multilingual education, including training courses based on learning the language and culture of different countries;

- further expansion of relations with foreign accredited top universities and research organizations of social, pedagogical and psychological directions.

In general, the Pedagogy Department actively develops its work with foreign universities. For the current period the department has more than 10 agreements with partner universities on the development of international cooperation. The geography of agreements and exchange covers such countries as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia and a number of others. Active international cooperation is conducted within the framework of SCO and is a result of mutual interest in the development of higher education. The main part of the agreements is concluded with the universities of the CIS, which is connected with geographical and historical prerequisites, as well as with the universities of the European Union, which in turn is explained by the development strategy within the framework of the Bologna process. The undergraduates, as well as the doctoral students of the PhD program, received an opportunity to study at the leading universities in Europe and Russia.

Over the past two years, the new direction of the international integration of the department - the program of a double diploma - has gained momentum. For example, the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs of the Bashkir University (Russia) have been launched.

For the department, it is also an important task to become attractive to foreign citizens. Currently, Russian students are being trained, representatives of the Bashkir University. The activation of the sphere of internationalization is manifested in joint training modules with Russian universities.

Scientists were invited to participate in the development of international cooperation and academic mobility in pedagogical, psychological and social pedagogical specialties: Abraham Altonoyan (Brunel University, Great Britain), L.V. Mardakhayev (RGSU, Russia), Silvia Abad-Merino (University of Cordoba, Spain), representatives of USOS, etc.


Thus, the development of international cooperation and benchmarks in the framework of internationalization and academic mobility for the department is the fluent knowledge of foreign languages by alumni; Upgrading the qualifications of PPPs through various state and public funds; interactive methods of teaching in the light of global networks; double degree programs; education and education of students on the recognized values of world culture. One of the priorities of the ENU internationalization development program is the transition to the research model of higher education institutions, whose activities will be based on the international integration of education and science.


Incoming academic mobility 2021-2023


Outgoing Academic Mobility 2022



Foreign scientific consultants for doctoral students

Academic mobility of students

Cooperation agreements







I am Shaimerden Zhantore. I'm master's degree student of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov in Astana. Our university has an opportunity to invite teachers and professors from abroad. One of these examples is Dr. Silvia Abad-Merino. She is from Spain, Cordoba. There is University of Cordoba. Dr. Silvia spent one week conducting lectures at our university. It was a huge experience for us to be a part of such arrangement. I say it because we were interpreters during the lectures. Dr. Silvia's lessons addressed a subject of psychology and management in organizations. Thanks to Dr. Silvia we were familiarized with such term as "diversity" and approaches to that. There was very interesting information and we were very glad to attend her lectures. During lessons Dr. Silvia used different methods and techniques to capture our attention. Also, there was discussion during every lecture. We had an opportunity to express our opinion and exchange ideas on the topic. It was really exciting and useful.

It is vital to notice that we are looking forward to the next coming of Dr. Silvia. We want to attend her lectures and hope that the next year she will come again. Also, we want to thank University of Cordoba for given opportunity to exchange experience. We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.



Атаева Гульнар Нуржановна, магистрант,

1 курс, Факультет социальных наук

Мои впечатления от лекции «A Psychoeducational Approach to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion in Organization» прочтенные профессором Сильвией Абад Мериной из Университа Кордовы (Испания) только положительные. Я считаю, что получение нового зарубежного опыта является ценным для развития академических знаний.

Во-первых, я отметила для себя, что её подходы в решении проблем в данной области являются современными и эффективными. Её решения опираются на исследования, проведенные в стенах топовых вузах мира, таких как Йельский университет и Оксфордский университет и имеют сильную научно-методологическую базу.

Во-вторых, так как прослушивания лекции преподнесло нам ситуацию с другого ракурса, я полагаю, что новый зарубежный опыт в виде лекций привнесёт свои плоды в данной отрасли образования.

И в-третьих, было познавательно прослушать лекции с использованием зарубежных методик работы с аудиторией и подчеркнуть для себя новые методы организации учебного процесса в работе с большой аудитории.

В завершении, хотелось бы выразить благодарность за организацию лекции университету Евразийскому национальному университету имени Л. Н. Гумилёва и международной программе Erasmus+. Я уверена, что дальнейшее увеличение количества такого рода мероприятий будет оказывать благоприятное влияние на учебный процесс.




April 13th 2014Kapizova Nazerke 

Bachelor Student

Faculty of Philology

Eurasian National University

To Dr. Abraham Althonayan

     It is my privilege and great pleasure to write this letter behalf of Dr. Abraham Althonayan, Director of International Business Development of Brunel University London. I have known Dr. Abraham from past 2 weeks as a researcher and as a lecturer of strategic management.  I would take this opportunity to point out his capabilities as a teacher and a researcher, comprised as four major categories.   


     Dr. Abraham is extremely knowledgeable not only in his research areas but also in subjects like philology, psychology, sociology and etc. I was always amazed by the interest he shows to acquire more knowledge and leverage it in research and teaching. I have not seen any situation he does not have proper answer whenever I asked any questions regarding my subject of research. I am really impressed by the depth of knowledge he has in strategic management. 


     Dr. Abraham is very hard working and his enthusiasm towards strategic planning and goals makes him focused and dedicated. Dr. Abraham is well qualified, dynamic and enthusiastic to ensure that his students get quality education they deserve. Thus I can state with absolute certainty that Dr. Abraham has what it takes to be an exceptional teacher and a researcher.    

Communication Skills

     Dr. Abraham has got very good communication skill to explain the subject in a simple and systematic way, which will make any student comfortable and confident about the subject. Initially, I attended his lectures despite the fact that I knew nothing about the strategic management, but his simple and friendly lectures helped me a lot to get up to the speed and excel in my work and studies.


      Dr. Abraham shows enormously great patience to make everyone comfortable in the subject. As I said earlier, he has spent so many hours with us to explain various ways of achieving goals which made me thorough in what I am doing at his lectures.     

     Dr. Abraham is not only agreeable but also is gauging our needs as undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students. He displays a genuine concern for the advancement of his students. As a mentor he freely shares his knowledge and experience and helps us to be confident in the management of our life. 


     In a nutshell, Dr. Abraham is one of the best teachers and mentors I ever had in my life and I strongly believe he will be given a great value to our Eurasian National University.