
The Department of psychology reopened its doors in September 2020.

During this short period, the Department:

- opened a doctoral program in the direction of  8D03103 – «Psychology»;

- signed memoranda of cooperation with KazNPU,  Kuban state University, LLP «Amanat»;

- signed international cooperation agreement with the Moscow state psychological – pedagogical University, lecturing Professor of the Department «UNESCO», the doctor of psychological Sciences Vladimir Kudryavtsev Tovievich;

- head, Department of psychology, candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor A. S. Mambetalin is ENU. L. N. Gumilev in the working group on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of inclusive education».

The Department of Psychology has 3 doctors of Psychological sciences, professors, 5 candidates of psychological sciences, associate professors, 3 PhD, 5 masters of psychological sciences.

Professor of the Department of psychology Ermentayeva Ardakh Rizabekovna regional award winner "for contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2009; "Best Teacher" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017; member of the expert commission on psychological and pedagogical specialties of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; member of the International Scientific Committee of scientific journals Social, related, educational disciplines and conferences were in the field of psychology and education for indexing by Scopus and Thomson Reuters; member of the editorial board of scientific journals: 1) Bulletin of kaznu. Al-Farabi, Series " Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology"; 2) Bulletin of Kaznpu named after Abaya, series" Psychology"; deputy chief editor for psychological studies in the Bulletin of penetration im. L. N. Gumileva; author of more than 315 scientific works.

Aikinbaeva Gulden Kanatovna Deputy Dean for work with Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, L. N. Gumilyov ENU; Winner of the grant "Best University Teacher-2014". Corresponding member of the Academies of CONCORD, (France, Paris). Corresponding member of the Academy of History and Social Sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan). Member of the Trade Union Committee of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU. Winner of the state scholarship "Talented Young Scientist" for 2008-2010. Winner of the state scientific scholarships for contribution to science and technology for 2019-2020; holder of letters of thanks from the Department of Education of the city of Astana (2012), RNPC "Astana Daryny" (2013, 2019), MES RK RNPC "Textbook" (2013, 2015), MES RK (2019). Completed advanced training courses abroad in 2013, 2015 (France, Paris); author of more than 140 scientific articles, 2 Scopes, 3 monographs and 1 textbook, 6 teaching aids.

 Aubakirova Zhanat Kanashovna author of kursov psychology organization of Professional Work; Psychology of modern training technology; author of 200 scientific works.

Aitysheva Aigul Mukatayevna member-correspondent of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences; expert in the Center "textbook" when Mon RK textbooks, teaching aids, electronic textbooks; expert and participant of test tasks in the National Testing Center; member of the appeal Commission for the CPC (long - term state Ministry of Education and Science; winner of the competition "honored Teacher of Kazakhstan-2020" - medals and diplomas of the first degree; author of more than 200 scientific works.

Nuradinov Almat Sabitovich deputy director of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the letter of gratitude of the mayor of Astana, the letter of gratitude of the Police Department of the mayor of Astana, the letter of gratitude of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; author of more than 212 scientific works.

Student Achievement

Students and undergraduates of the department are active participants of international scientific conferences: XV International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "YLYLYM JÁNE BILIM-2020"; International Conference " DISTANCE EDUCATION: NEW GLOBAL CHALLENGES»


2nd year students majoring in psychology Zholymbek Tolkyn and Tatay Nurdana were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree at the international scientific and practical seminar " For the best environmental initiative»,


Maxim Isakov and Janiel Berikbaeva were awarded the 1st degree diploma of the II International Subject Olympiad in Psychology "Faster, smarter, more psychological" held at the Omsk State University named after F. M. Isakov;

Bolat Ayazhan was awarded the diploma of the 1st place in the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychophysiology";

Du Veronica winner of the 1st place in the Olympiad on the All-Russian educational portal "Konkursita";

Muratova Malika was awarded the diploma of the 1st place;

Malika Muratova was awarded the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight";

Kaisina Galiya winner of the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight";

Vlada Kozlova winner of the 1st place in the Olympiad at the All-Russian educational portal "Konkursita";

Orazbayeva Alina was awarded the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight";

Semenchenko Yulia winner of the 1st place in the Olympiad at the All-Russian educational portal "Konkursita";

Sergeev Alexander was awarded the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight", 1st place diploma in the subject "Psychology" organized by the educational center "Tarym";

Atzhibayev Abdul, Zhasulan Aruzhan were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the discipline "Psychology" organized by the educational center "Tarym" Almaty;

Zhasulan Aruzhan was awarded a diploma of the second degree in the subject "Psychology" in the Republican Olympiad organized by the society "Kazakhstan Ustazdary";

Tugelbaeva Shynar was awarded for high performance in the Republican Olympiad in the subject "Psychology" organized by the educational center "Tarym" Almaty;

Ismailova Aidana was awarded for high performance in the Republican Olympiad on the subject "Psychology" organized by the society "Kazakhstan Ustazdary" in 2019.


Abdizhapar Zarina and Duysenbaykyzy Simbat were awarded the Diploma of the 2nd place at the international research competition "GYLYM-2020",

Bolat Ayazhan awarded the diploma of the 1st degree for the best question at the international symposium "Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme" held between the FSBNU "Psychological Institute" of the Russian Academy of Education and KazNPU named after Abai, the diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Legal Psychology";

Zeynullina Laura the diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology"in 2020, awarded the diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Medical Psychology", the winner of the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight", received the diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Legal Psychology";

Kaisina Galiya was awarded the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology";

Kozlova Vlada was awarded the 1st place diploma at the international competition "Erudite online", received the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology";

Kuanyshpaeva Assel was awarded the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology";

Muhambetkalieva Karima winner of the 1st place diploma at the international Internet Olympiad "Sunlight" in 2020, awarded a diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology";

Orazbayeva Alina was awarded a diploma of the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology";

Pitsaeva Sabilla awarded the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology"$

Riza Uteshov was awarded the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "General Psychology";

Eduarda Shirmer was awarded the 1st place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline: "Psychology".