Seminar on the topic: "The application of mathematical statistics for the processing of research results"

February 21, 2018 associate professor of social pedagogy and self-cognition department of Nuradinov Almat Sabitovich made a report at a seminar on the topic: "The application of mathematical statistics for the processing of research results". This seminar was organized for doctoral students and undergraduates of pedagogical specialties. The seminar outlined the specifics of applying modern statistical methods in pedagogical studies. He showed some features of the analysis and interpretation of quantitative data in pedagogical studies.


Nuradinov A.S. also spoke about the package of statistical programs for processing SPSS Statistics data. He showed ways of processing, analyzing and interpreting data on SPSS. Many of the teaching departments of social pedagogy and self-cognition use actively quantitative data and methods for their processing in their studies. The teaching staff of the Social Pedagogy and Self-cognition department will actively contribute and assist the students in applying modern methods of analyzing quantitative data in the SPSS pact.психология/news/jdenQAC10irF6EMKhOgzltGHDBMcaFmkB5JwM6J3.jpeg