Family values of Kazakh youth (consideration through storitelling)

The traditional competition among the faculties of the Eurasian National University "The best curator of the Year" consists of 4 stages. The second stage consisted in demonstrating an open educational hour. The contestant, associate professor of the Department of Psychology Mandykaeva A. R., held an open educational hour on the topic "Family values of Kazakh youth (consideration through stroitelling )". During the educational hour, the works of great people related to family values were presented, the issues of the significance of family values, the results of psychological research using storytelling therapy, and cases were analyzed. The 2nd year students of Psx-21 analyzed the words of Abai's edification, compiled a storytelling and shared their thoughts with others. An exhibition of children's drawings "Me and my family" was also organized. The open lesson was organized at a high level, very informative and touching.