On the next meeting of the СWG on the reintegration and protection of children returned from conflict zones

June 09, 2022 in the city of Uralsk within the framework of the joint program of  UNICEF, UN Women and the European Union in the Republic of Kazakhstan "EU-UN support to the states of Central Asia for their citizens who returned from conflict zones, primarily from Syria and Iraq - Component 1" the 2nd meeting of the Coordinating Working Group (CWG) was held, where, on behalf of the head of the National Center for Resource Groups on Education, Psychosocial Support and Mental Health for Children and Families in Difficult Life Situations, on the basis of  NAO «Eurasian National University L.N. Gumilyov» (hereinafter referred to as the Center) A.S. Mambetalina was presented by G.Kh. Ganiyeva, Ph.D., expert of the Center.

The report highlighted the issues of the creation and functioning of the Center for work with children, in particular, the past and planned activities. 

In the afternoon, meetings were held with NGOs, a public foundation involved in the reintegration of families returned from conflict zones into the community, as well as directly with women adapted to the community.