First President’s Day. Discussion of the article of the book "25 Beles"

On November 28, 2018, R.Salykzhanov, associate professor of the Department of Sociology, presented the publication named as «5 Beles. Elbasynyk қanatty sөzderі men olardan tuyndaғan oi-tozhyrymdar» for 2-year students of the specialties «Sociology» and «Social work».

The uniqueness of the publication is determined by the relevance of the statements of the President N.N. Nazarbayev about various spheres of public life and a detailed analysis of the authors of the comments, including prominent government and public figures, as well as scientists, including representatives of the teaching staff of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

Salykzhanov R.S., associate professor, focused on his four author comments about interethnic harmony, the development of language and culture, and social tendencies.

In conclusion, the students expressed their views on the outstanding role of the First President in the construction of an independent Kazakhstan, encouraged their peers to be worthy successors of the achievements of the older generation.